International Trade and Logistics Consultantcy

Trade Matters

Companies Importing and Exporting have a responsibility to do this in full compliance with all HMRC legislation.  The Legislation and customs procedures can be complex and many companies may not be operating in full compliance with them all. Others may leave this important area to third parties such as Freight Forwarders who may not have sufficient knowledge of your commercial activities to ensure your declarations are correct and the appropriate amount of duty, and no more, is paid.  There are a number of procedures and processes that could reduce your duty bill. We can review your business and identify if any can be used to reduce your costs and therefore increase your profitability.  Note that in some cases duty refunds can be made from historical transactions.  So it is not just your future duty bill that we may be able to help with there may be opportunities to recover some historical payments.

We can help with  

·         Classification

·         Valuation

·         Origin

·         Duty relief processes

·         Licensing; and

·         Controlled Substances

Resulting in

·         well managed customs processes

·         reduced duty bill; and

·         improved relationships with HMRC

Trade Matters
Supply Chain
Systems Implementation
Dangerous Goods
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